Thursday 26 July 2007

Wednesday 18 July 2007


London Film Academy sokagindan iki foto daha..

All Bound Up

Isikci Seyfi ;)

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Jerome'un objektifine takılanlar (Lé Jeromé)

Jeromé Londra'da fotoğrafçı olarak çalışıyo, zaten derslere sadece fotoğraf çekmek için katılıyomuş gibi bi izlenim yarattı bende. Bol bol foto çekmiş ki işte bazıları.

Hyde Park

Hyde Park az ilerde dediler şaka yapıyolar zannettim, ciddilermiş. Üç Türk (ki aşağıda Sevra ve Hasan ikilisini görüyorsunuz) ellerde biralar serin havanın ve yeşilliğin, sincapların, ördeklerin tadını çıkararak (yemeden, alo!) geç saatlere kadar sohber ettik.

South Kensington

Sonunda gezmek için fırsatım oldu. South Kensington (ki Londra'nın en tiki mekanı olduğunu öğrendim) Hyde Park arasını yürüyerek katettik. Royal College of Art başta gelmek üzere pek çok güzel insanın yetiştiği tarihi dokuları bozulmamış muazzam binaları iç çekerek fotoğrafladım.


Friday 6 July 2007

Stills Editing

Onceden cektigimiz fotolar bugun baskidan geldi, masaya yatirdik. Dunya uzerindeki en basit montaji yaparak (fotolari siraya koyarak) perdeye yansittik, izledik.

Thursday 5 July 2007


Bugun de iki profesyonel aktor geldi, casting egitimi aldik. Eleman rol kesiyo; hmmm surasi olmadi be Ian`ciim yeniden yap be mate :)

Still shots

"those of you who have the noble art of nicotine; go smoke your fuckin` cigarettes outside in the rain!"

LFA ozdeyisi

Aksamustu `The Cock and the Hen` adinda bi puba cekime gittik. Donaninanow, masada Titus Pullo oturuyo. Cheers bro!

Brompton Cemetery

Dun Brompton Mezarliginda cekime gittik, bakiniz guvercinci bi elemanin mezarina. Hingiliz guvercini sadik olur derlerdi, birak allasen derdim.

Fellow Classmates: Part Two

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Tuesday 26 June 2007

İkamet Dawes Road, okul da Walham Grove'da. Yaklaşık 15 dk yürümece, hatta yaya yaya şöyle 20-25 dk.

Friday 23 February 2007


chimneys, antennas.. faded bricks.. a perfect ghetto silhouette..
million tons of dead buildinds with their metal implants on, standing
in a light fog, surrounds me and my ugly flat. though my vision is not
limited, i can see a bright sky.. the clouds.. every grey tones i can
with very first scream of a crow, my daily, standart searching
procedure starts. scan the roofs, look inside the gaps between
apartments, strengthen your memory with same ugly visuals..


a sudden rush of concious. feels like i'm a huge circuit, from my skin
to my nörons. feels a lot of pain. feels most awake.
empty ceiling. not get used to look at.
someone says something.
"can you handle that?"
"then close your eyes. return to your illusions, your imagination life.
routine. wake up as you did every morning and keep asking questions.
you will do every day."


"do you need to shave?"
no i don't have to cut them today. pass.
maybe tomorrow..


Hardest part of any day.
Get up.
Stare at the empty wall. Trash dreams, get rid of fantastic concious,
board to the stable real life. It is pain, all i sense, not any other
Continues for a while..
Slowly, smoothly releases my brain. And it's over, no more feelings for
the rest of the day.
So, i get up.
Certainly i use questions to manage my day. Not to solve problems or to
decide what will i do, but to keep me awake enough. It is like a chain,
and breaking a ring disturbs me more than anything.
Did i ever stopped doing this? Surely no.
And no, i won't stop asking. No daydreaming. Have to keep that
concious, keep asking..
Did you get up?
Yes, i'm on my feet.
Additionally i check every situation twice to be sure.
Checked twice already. So you know what is next, do you?
Splash. Cold water. This helps most, extends perception skill.
Now if you're aware enough, what should you use that mood for?
Go check your habitat.


Nothing really changes for some time. I've been inspecting the
vegetables that are tied-to-dry to a couple of rusty nails.
Interesting. There for "some time" but seems like they'll never rot.
Like they have found a trick about aging, they are not drying as
someone expects to be. Also this someone should be me, for being the
only human who lives in this ruined house, with lots of insects as
usual. They like these flats. Apartments. My head kills me these days.
A fountain of ideas. About nothing. About anything. I won't be
surprised if i forget anything from now on. For a man that thinks this
much, forgetting some vegetable-tying memory is neither weird, nor a
On the other hand, i am aware that it is not all about my memory.

Thursday 15 February 2007


He was staring at the wall when she crossed his vision.
- You tend to forget anything.
..Let silence continue for a time..
- I mean, you hardly remember when you got something in your mind.
- Now, why is that?
- You act like you're thinking hard for a real big issue. I know there's no such thing. Your mind is busy all the time, but for what?
Nothing particular.
- I told you, I know that. What I can't understand is "your problem".
- This is overrated. I rarely act like you said. And you know what, I really am thinking of a big issue at those times.
- Bullshit, you suddenly -or sometimes slowly- forget what you are thinking of.
- Well, how can....
- I don't think that we can end this conversation. Either you'll forget in the middle of this, or you won't agree what I'm telling.
- How can I agree if you act like you're speaking to a wall. Sometimes "I" may speak, don't forget that.
- Ahahaha, now we are talking about "forgetting".


Pours hot water on brown coffee particules. Cracks a sugar cube to half, lets one melt in coffee, other one in his mouth. Adds some cold water in the cup, then swallows the whole drink immediately. As he begins to prepare another one, his cellphone starts ringing. Trying to get his phone from his backpocket, he accidentally pours some boiling water onto his hand, screams a bit. Phone rings, he rubs his hand with a towel, then continues preparing his coffee with the rest of the water, ignoring the phone which is still ringing, even louder. Seems like a deaf man. Rubs his hand.


Rubs his head, explores some blood deeper in hair, on his head. Looks a bit confused, like a drunk fool. Tries to move along, proceeds with small steps first, then observes the environment, turns back where he has started. Sees the dark red blood stain on the pavement. Looks around again. Wiggles and scores some unstable steps. A car passes by, very close! Does not fear, only a little surprised. Rubs his head again. Sits down the pavement. Rubs his head.

Thursday 8 February 2007

just me..

..and i'll be writing here..